DadA-Literatur, Dok.-Nr.: DA-L0002358Baumann, Michael L. The Question of Idioms in B. Traven's Writings. - In: The German Quartery, Spring 1987, pp. 171-192 ABSTRACT: Baumann unterzieht die Werke und den Schriftwechsel von B. Traven und Ret Marut einer sprachwissenschaftlichen Untersuchung und weist in Travens Werken eine Vielzahl von Amerikanismen nach, die unmöglich von einem im deutschen Sprachraum verwurzelten Autor stammen können. Baumann kommt zu der Schlußfolgerung: "Our study of the texts allows us to consider such a biography as a viable possibility. Since Marut could not have been in both places at the same time, in Germany and in Mexico, the evidence of the idioms compels us to conclude that two men were responsible for creating the "B. Traven,' texts, an American (or German-American) and someone whose native tongue was German (presumably the man who had lived in Germany as Ret Marut). [Bearb.: js] Bearbeitungsstand: 22.06.2000 |